Public entities

Public entities, whether they are national or local authorities, or state-owned companies, are often, just like private companies, injured by antitrust infringements. As a result, the goods and services they deliver to their users or customers are more expensive, of lower quality and less innovative.

Public entities have a duty, pursuant to the general principle of good administration, to seek compensation for the injuries they were inflicted and which  impacted taxpayers. When bringing private damages claims, these public entities also contribute to deterring anticompetitive behavior by holding accountable antitrust infringers and act for the greater benefit of society at large.

bureau Brandeis Paris counts in its team not only former French and EU competition authority and Court officials who have defended the public interest and who are familiar with the specificities of the public sector, but also attorneys specialized in litigating these cases before the French administrative courts.

bureau Brandeis Paris is also particularly well-placed to assist public entities. It has put in place a network of highly specialized data collection consultants, economists, industry experts and litigation funders to offer public entities the opportunity to recover their damages in a fully transparent, manageable and efficient way. For instance, bureau Brandeis Paris may work with public entities either under a power of attorney or as trustee-lawyers (“avocat fiduciaire”) and adapt to their specific needs in terms of remuneration.